Learning to See Creatively



Learning to See Creatively

副标题: Design, Color & Composition in Photography

ISBN: 9780817441814

作者: Bryan Peterson

出版社: Amphoto Books

出版年: 2003-10-1

页数: 160

定价: USD 25.99

装帧: Paperback


Almost everyone can "see" in the conventional sense, but developing photographic vision takes practice. This work helps photographers visualize their work, and the world, in a whole new light. This revised and rewritten guide takes a radical approach to creativity. It explains how it is not some gift only for a few, but actually a skill that can be learned and applied. Using inventive photographs from his own portfolio, the author deconstructs creativity for photographers. He details the basic techniques that went into not only taking a particular photo, but also provides insights on how to improve upon it, so helping readers avoid the visual pitfalls that can lead to dull photographs. This edition features informaton on digital photography and digital imaging software, as well as a section on colour as a design element.


布赖恩·彼得森 是一名专业摄影师、国际著名摄影大师、畅销书作者。主要生活在美国和法国。申办2000年奥运会时,作者受中国政府邀请,拍摄了一组介绍北京风土人情的照片。申奥虽然没有成功。但作者对中国留下了非常美好的印象。


关键词:Learning to See Creatively