The Celtic Empire



The Celtic Empire

副标题: The First Millennium of Celtic History, 1000BC - AD51

ISBN: 9780786709335

作者: Peter Berresford Ellis

出版社: Carroll & Graf Publishers

出版年: 2001-09-09

定价: USD 14.00

装帧: Paperback


European recorded history north of the Alps begins with the Celts. At their height, they stretched over the ancient world from Ireland and Britain to Turkey and Czechoslovakia, from Belgium and Gaul to Spain and Italy. They sacked Rome, invaded Greece, and even attempted to take over the Egypt of the Ptolemy pharaohs. Yet theirs was an empire without an emperor, a civilization that encompassed the continent but had no central government. To tell its history, Ellis matches his storytelling talents with the firsthand and classical accounts of the Celtic empire.

关键词:The Celtic Empire