Rim Of Fire



Rim Of Fire

ISBN: 9780373613403

定价: 15.00


Lion March 1989
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From the air at night??? Cairo s City of the Dead ap-
pears to some travelers as an ominous black void in a
sprawling array of sparkling lights.
To others??? it seems a gigantic oil spill that smothers
everything beneath its surface. It could also be mis-
taken for a bottomless pit or a stretch of treacherous
On Air Force One the Vice President of the United
States??? Stephen Shaw??? could not keep from staring at
~the massive blot.
He thought of the bodies there.
Although he was perfectly safe??? and American and
Egyptian jet fighters flew ahead??? behind and on either
side of his aircraft??? he felt apprehensive.
Now??? with the flying command ship dropping to-
ward the Egyptian military airfield??? Shaw could see the
outlines of buildings and the network of the city s
dark??? narrow??? foreboding streets.
It was truly a city within a city??? a vast neighbor-
hood for the dead.
In an area capable of housing thousands of Egyp-
tians without crowding??? not a single light shone. It was
a city of ghosts and gargoyles. And he was being

关键词:Rim Of Fire