Pets Are for Keeps (Animal Inn, No 1)



Pets Are for Keeps (Animal Inn, No 1)

ISBN: 9780590434348

定价: 23.60


"Take it easy, Rodney. Don't get all upset. Your

leg's going to be just fine, I promise. My dad is the


best vet in the world. Don't be nervous..

Valentine Taylor was on her knees talking to a

very unhappy beagle in the waiting room of her fa-

ther's veterinary clinic, Animal Inn. As she stroked

the dog's smooth head and silky ears, she looked at

Rodney's left hind leg. Itwas all swollen around a

nasty gash, and Val knew that meant the wound was

infected. According to Mr. Shue, Rodney's worried

master, the beagle had had a run in with a raccoon

a few nights ago. Val hoped the raccoon wasn't rabid.

She had already checked Rodney's file to make cer-

tain he'd had his rabies shot on schedule.

"Come on, Val," said Mr. Shue, shaking his

head. "You talk to that dog like he was a person!"

Val looked up at him, her expression serious. "1

guess it sounds silly to you, Mr. Shue, but I really

think animals understand what we say to them. Maybe

not every single word, but I'm absolutely sure Rodney

关键词:Pets Are for Keeps Animal Inn No 1