



ISBN: 9780140116595

定价: 18.00


foreword b~ the
ou| ho r s son
I never met my father. Men from the Gestapo came for him in Apri
vO4a??? one month before my birth. Perhaps my mother s advancec
condition had something to do with their not taking her away too
\"It s a routine interrogation???\" they told her??? but she knew that wasn
so??? that she d never see Father again. After the war??? over a period o
months??? my mother questioned former inmates of the concentratior
camps where Danes were habitually sent??? but no one had even seer
Only years later??? when I began asking my mother more specific
questions about the man whose picture I had always had beside my
bed??? did I find out about the novel. In the months preceding his arrest
and disappearance??? really from the moment he knew for certain that
someone like me was on the way??? my father set out in his spare time
to write a work of fiction. I m told he joked about it??? saying he d
already planted so many trees??? and now that a child was about to bless
our turbulent world the only thing lacking was to write a book??? and
in times like these it had to be done fast??? because one never knew how
much time was left. It appears that he managed to finish the first draft
a few weeks before the Gestapo squadron came to get him??? but my
mother never read it and didn t even know where the manuscript had
gone. She assumed??? naturally enough??? that it had been lost or had
ended up in the possession of some obscure colonel of the secret
Recently??? however??? we recovered the novel??? after its being missing
for Some thirty-odd years. A cousin of mine found it in the bottom
of a trunk full of old papers and periodicals??? as she was preparing to
move from the huge country house that was now too big for her
family now that her children had married. We figured that my father
