ONE HAND TIED BEHIND US. The Rise of the Women's Suffrage Movement.



ONE HAND TIED BEHIND US. The Rise of the Women's Suffrage Movement.

ISBN: 9780860680086

定价: 54.00


V/lo were the radical suffragists?
??? districts during the smnmer nlonths the workers spend their
of doors??? more after the fashion of (?ontinental than English
L certain nights in the week anyone going into the market-place
~dience of interested and intelligent men and women??? varying
.000 and even 1???500??? who will stand for an hour or two to hear
iscussed. 1
vas women s suffrage??? and the year was 1905. Several
dfragette became a household word??? the cotton workers
vere debating the controversial issue of votes for women
their factory gates??? street corners a1~d in town squares.
ho addressed the crowds were not educated middle class
al women who had come to the suffrage inovement
. xperience of factory work and of organizing working
ql??? the radical suffragists??? knew at first hand the harsh
~ r which the majority of women lived and worked at the
~is century??? and had the courage and determination to
nething better. They worked closely with the growing
nt??? wanting to change conditions rather than simply to
and they used their influence to build a movement of
i who claimed not only the right to vote but to take part
ible to guess how many women were inw)lved in the