Healing Unlimited



Healing Unlimited

ISBN: 9780887231650

定价: 120.00


What You Need
Know About
Immune System
Imagine a personal security system capal~lc~
of neutr:llizing most potential cl~me??? ers 1)ef ()re
you tt~ even :lw:tre ()f their].
On duty all year??? this sectlrity system em-
ploys a limitless pool of workers??? and with min-
imal investment??? it x~ill be in operation for a
IH etime.
1)on t bother tt3qng to hire this elite security
service. It is already hard at york. This is :t fa(r
description of your body\"s I~???mar~???elble imnlune
Remarkal)le--I)ut not imt)ervi()t~s. The im-
mune system can I)e compromised by many
things--fl om an orctin:uy cold t() deadly c:ln-
cers. 7toat ~\" the bole/J~ez~ ???~ .
The good news is that your immune def~ n-
ses rcgularly repair themselves??? and there are
simple meast_lrcs }on <;~m t:ll-~e
when they have 1)ten 1)re:lched.
How it ~x.()rks...
I~asically??? y~ur immume system is :l thriving
swarm of 1)illions of white bl~>od cells??? nil with
just two gozlls...
~ R~_ c(~gnize germ inva(ters.
??????l???leSl)olld t()the thre:~t.
When bacteria enter your 1)ody~-for instance.
throuMh that razor nick 3ou got yesterday--
specialized cells callect nentrophils rush to the
scene t() virtually devour the marauders. (-)thor
cells s()()n c()me t)y to clean up any 1)acterial
Against viruses--which are more inMdiotls
than I)acterial infections because they sne:d~
into our cells and CO1]]ll]:.ll]deCl the ill l()l their
own evil t)url)oses--your immtm~: systel~] dis-
p:llches antibodies to t;tckle the :ltt:lcking :tlicns.
More inlpoI t;mt??? yonl\" il]/llltlf]t svs[cl]] h;/s
mem(>ry cells that look at the vit+tl perpetrators
and remember those l)artict???lar villains for the
rest of your lif~ . When antil)~dies recognize

关键词:Healing Unlimited