

ISBN: 9787806704479

出版社: Vitamin Creative Space

出版年: 2007

页数: 100

定价: 79

装帧: 精装


中英双语 ¥ 125.00 (书 + TOKILL 的音乐CD + 特制布袋)

在2006 年4 月的一天,曹斐,阿龙,TOKILL,方正四个年轻人走在了路上。最初,这是曹斐为拍摄“云南”题材的电影而作的一次调查,在随后的过程


On a day in April 2006, four young men - Cao Fei, Ah Long,TOKILL and Fang Zheng were walking on the way to Yunnan province.Initially, Cao Fei was invited to make a feature film about “Yunnan” subject, nevertheless, the creation of the film reached an impasse due to various reasons in the process, all that remains is the script of Nù (Anger) which is the core of the publication. The photographs featured in the book are taken from this journey, which along the Nujinag River nevertheless involves the very conception of life.
